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It is all about changing and saving lives 

Medical bills and Funeral expenses sharing fund (MedFex Fund)

MedFex Fund is a private contribution fund for staff members of Africa4health Missions members, staff and other associated businesses.They choose to enrol to participant in sharing Medical bills and funeral expenses at the time of employment or membership to Africa4health Missions. This fund is managed by Africa4health Missions at the head office.

Currently contributions to MedFex Fund is set at £25.00 monthly


Benefits of contributing to MedFex Fund


All medical bills expenses, except those excluded incurred by our staff member or members of Africa4health Missions who are currently contributing to MedFex Fund, or on the death of a staff member or member of Africa4health Missions who is currently contributing to MedFex Fund, the following will apply;


  • 80% of the total cost of the Medical bills or funeral expenses will be reimbursed


All medical bills expenses except those excluded incurred by an immediate family member of our staff or member of Africa4health Missions who is contributing to Medical bills and funeral expenses, or on the death of an immediate family member of our staff or member of Africa4health Missions, who is currently contributing to MedFex Fund, the following will apply;


  • 60 % of the total funeral expenses will be reimbursed


MedFex Fund Commences and matures for reimbursements

Three months from the date of your first contribution


Total Contribution


MEDFEX FUND monthly contribution is £25.00, and 20% of this contribution is non refundable and will go towards administration and management of the MedFex Fund

Three months of failed contributions, the name will be removed from MedFex Fund list and no refunds will be paid out to all defaulters.

Please note: There are no separate family contributions amount.


Purpose of MedFex Fund

MedFex Fund is a private fund raised through contributions by our staff and members of Africa4health Missions for the purpose of reimbursing Medical bills or Funeral Expenses incurred by our staff member or a member of Africa4health Missions  or by the immediate family member of our staff member or a member of Africa4health Missions.

MedFex Fund is not available during the time our staff member or a member of Africa4health Missions or the immediate family member is either going through medical treatment or has a funeral. with exception of life threatening illnesses funds might be available immediately.

MedFux Fund reimbursement will be available after the total medical bills and the total funeral expenses have been paid either by our staff member or a member of Africa4health Missions or the immediate family member and the true honest report is submitted to Africa4health Missions by the surviving spouse.

MedFex Fund covers only the immediate family members of our staff or member of Africa4health Missions. 

Immediate family members include;

Yourself and your spouse and then both of your Father, Mother, Brothers, Sisters, Sons and Daughters



In-patient medical bill expenses reimbursements

Africa4health Missions reimburses your medical bills whenever you or your immediate family member is confined in Hospital overnight or more as an inpatient in Great Britain, the rest of Europe or anywhere in the world.

Outpatient medical bills expenses reimbursement

In each Africa4health Missions financial year, you can be reimbursed for TWO hospital outpatient treatment expenses, which also include consultations expenses.



The following are the exclusions from reimbursement of medical bills expenses, any expenses incurred because; attempted suicide, Alcohol or Drug related Conditions & Cosmetic Surgery or other surgery you choose to have for Non-Medical reasons are not covered



Africa4health Missions will reimburse funeral Expenses when you or your immediate family member dies..

Funeral Expenses reimbursement payments

Funeral Expenses reimbursement money is available only to our staff member or member of Africa4health Missions unless he/herself is the one who has died, then the reimbursement is available to the surviving spouse or the eldest surviving child if he is above 18 years of aged or family appointed person to look after the funeral expenses.


The money will be paid into the bank account of the surviving spouse or the eldest surviving child if he is above 18 years of aged or family appointed person to look after the funeral expenses.

The reimbursements fund will not be paid in the accounts of the diseased estate and should not be distributed according to the will of the diseased; it is to meet the immediate needs of the surviving spouse and the children of the diseased

Exclusions and what is covered in funeral expenses sharing reimbursements


  • All causes of death are covered for reimbursements

  • There are no exclusions in funeral expenses sharing reimbursement, and cover applies worldwide.



Any age or persons or race or nationality or sex is eligible to contribute to MedFex Fund as long as you are on our staff list or you become a registered and member of Africa4health Missions.

Documents required for reimbursements of Expenses

Medical bills expenses required documents


  • Original Doctor signed and stamped by the GP or hospital discharge slip

  • Original stamped medical bill receipt

  • Lawyer or police Certified copies of hospital admission documents

  • Lawyer or police certified copies of photo identity of the person whose bank account will be used to deposit the reimbursement fund

  • A letter from the Bank account holder signed by a minimum of three surviving immediate family members to permit Africa4health missions to deposit the reimbursement fund

  • And other documents and proofs, which will be deemed necessary if doubt shall arise on the authentic of any the above mentioned documents


Funeral Expenses required documents


  • Original Expenses receipts with names and signatures of a minimum of three surviving immediate family members above 18 years old. The receipts must have issuer's name, postal or physical address, telephone number and vehicle registration number if the receipt is from a Tax company or from transporter.

  • Original copies of air ticket receipts, if the diseased body was transported by air

  • Certified copy of the death certificate

  • Post-mortem report stating the cause of death

  • Certified copy of the burial certificate (if any)

  • Certified copies of photo identity of the disease person such as passport, National registration card

  • Certified copies of birth certificate

  • Lawyer or police certified copies of photo identity of the person whose bank account will be used to deposit the reimbursement fund

  • A letter from the Bank account holder signed by a minimum of three surviving immediate family members to permit Africa4health missions to deposit the reimbursement fund

  • And other documents and proofs, which will be deemed necessary if doubt shall arise on the authentic of any the above mentioned documents


Summary of Cover

  • MedFex Fund contribution is must to all our staff and to members of Africa4health Missions.

  • Africa4health Missions is the administrator, controlling body and sole policy maker of MedFex Fund.

  • All our staff members and members of Africa4health Missions, who are contributing to MedFex Fund , their medical bills or funeral expenses are only reimbursed after submitting a honest true expense report to Africa4health Missions.

  • Africa4health Missions reimburses medical bills and funeral expenses following the death of our staff member or member of Africa4health Missions or his/her immediate family member, who is currently contributing to MedFex Fund anywhere in the world.

Benefits of contributing to MedFex Fund ,

All medical bills expenses, except those excluded incurred by our staff member or member of Africa4health Missions only, who is currently contributing to MedFex Fund, or on the death of our staff member or member of Africa4health Missions who is currently contributing to MedFex Fund, the following will apply;


  • 80% of the total cost of the Medical bills or funeral expenses will be reimbursed


All medical bills expenses except those excluded incurred by an immediate family member of our staff member or member of Africa4health Missions who is contributing to Medical bills and funeral expenses, or on the death of an immediate family member of our staff member or member of Africa4health Missions, who is currently contributing to MedFex Fund, the following will apply;


  • 60 % of the total funeral expenses will be reimbursed


Total Contribution

Any person permanently employed by Africa4health Missions or by associated business or become a registered member of Africa4health Missions will automatically be registered to MedFex Fund with a contribution of £25.00 per month and 20% of this contribution is non refundable and will go towards administration and management of the MedFex Fund

Three months of failed contributions the name will be removed from MedFex Fund list and no refunds will be paid out to all defaulters.

Please note: There are no separate family contributions amount.


Here is how the contributions have been set and how they work

MedFex Fund contributions are set on individual bases, this means that, If you are married and you have children or not and you are employed by Africa4health Missions or associated businesses or member of Africa4health Missions. MedFex Fund will cover, Yourself and your spouse, your children and then both of your Fathers, Mothers, Brothers and Sisters. If you are married and both of you are our staff members or members of Africa4health Missions, both of you will be registered to contribute to MedFex Fund individually.

If you are single, not married of course, MedFax Fund, will cover Yourself, your children (if any) then your Father, Mother, Brothers and Sisters

Change of Contributions


Africa4health Missions may change the contributing amount at any time, if there is a need to change the contributions for whatever reasons all contributors will be informed towards the change three months in advance.

Your right to cancel

If the MedFex Fund does not meet your needs please notify us in writing or email within 30 days after you have just started contributing to MedFex Fund. Immediately you will be removed from the MedFex Fund contributors list and you will receive 70% refund of any contributions paid.

Duration of MedFex Fund

You will be entitled to receive MedFex Fund reimbursements while your contributions continue to be paid and until;


  • You cancel your contribution to MedFex Fund giving us 30 days notice by advising us in writing or by email or by fax or by telephone, and Africa4health Missions will refund 70% of the total contributions you have made to medical bills and funeral expenses sharing only, or

  • Your MedFex Fund contributions may be cancelled by Africa4health Missions by giving 30 days written notice to you due to any criminal convictions related to attempted suicide or murder or rape or robbery or incest or alcohol or Drugs or fraud practices or found to be contravening to the missions, goals, objectives and the purpose why Africa4health Missions and Medical bills and funeral expenses sharing was set-up. There is no refund or reimbursement of what so ever of your contributions, if your contributions are cancelled due to the above reason.

Methods of payment of contributions

All contributions must be paid either by;

  • Paypal

  • Direct debit

  • Credit card

  • Debit card

  • Bank standing order

  • or any online payment account you hold


Please Note: No cash should be sent, unless on special arrangements with the head office and you should pay one year in advance.

Statement of Demands and needs


MedFex Fund meets the demands and needs of those who wish to ensure that they provide a medical bills and funeral expenses sharing fund for themselves and for their immediate family members.

Medical Bill expenses sharing

Will provide reimbursements to you after you have been on an inpatient treatment in the hospital

Africa4health Missions

Administering and managing your contributions, Africa4health Missions Head office in the United Kingdom will administer and manage all your contributions and reimbursements.

What product do we offer?

We offer medical bills and funeral expenses sharing reimbursements


Which other services will we provide you with?

We advise and make a recommendation for you after we have assessed your needs for reimbursement.

You will not receive advice or any recommendation from us for any other medical bills or funeral expenses sharing or death benefit scheme. which is not organised by Africa4health Missions. We may ask you some questions in order to assess your needs then we can provide you with details information on other services Africa4health Missions provide. You will then need to make your own choice about how to proceed.


What will you have to pay us for our services?

MedFex Fund Monthly Contribution is £25.00 per person per month and 20% of this contribution is non refundable and will go towards administration and management of the MedFex Fund


Who regulates Africa4health Missions?

Africa4health Missions is not-for-Profit organisation, which was formed in the United Kingdom, therefore is regulated by companies Act of United Kingdom



MedFex Fund is an owned subsidiaries of Africa4health Missions

What to do if you have a complaint

If you wish to register a complaint please contact us

  • Through our website

  • In writing: Write to MedFex Fund, 86 Kingsway, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S81 0AG, United Kingdom

  • By Phoning: Telephone..0000000000


If you cannot settle your complaint with MedFex Fund management you may be entitled to refer it to the Africa4health Missions Head office

Are we covered by Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS)

We are not covered by FSCS. Therefore you are not entitled to compensation from the FSCS if we cannot meet our obligations. This is a private arranged fund.


Putting things Right

We always aim to provide a first class standard of service, however, if you have a complaint you should contact:

Africa4health Missions

MedFex Fund Department
86 Kingsway, Worksop, Nottinghamshire, S81 0AG
United Kingdom, Telephone: +44 


If you are still not satisfied following our response, remember you started making your contributions to a private Medical bills and Funeral expenses sharing by your own choice, therefore we are not covered by Financial Ombudsman service either.

Full details of our complaints procedure are available on request from Africa4health Missions head office.


Law applicable to MedFex Fund

MedFex Fund is a private fund and the contributor made their own independent decisions to contribute by  signing an agreement of choice with Africa4health Missions  to contribute to MedFex Fund, therefore the parties to the MedFex Fund may choose the law applicable to it. The MedFex Fund will be subject to British English Law unless otherwise agreed.


Personal Information

Your personal details and those of any of your immediate family members listed in MedFex Fund list (including sensitive data) will be used by MedFex Fund offices and may be passed to Bible4health Missions or used by any other member organisation or companies of Africa4health Missions for the purposes of administering medical bills and funeral expenses sharing.

This could include passing details to approved Agents of Bible4health Missions or other approved third parties and includes underwriting, processing and reimbursement handling. Bible4health Missions may also disclose information about anyone in MedFex Fund if there is a legal requirement to do so, for the purposes of investigating of preventing fraud, crime or dishonest.

Frequently asked questions

Ques. I want to continue my contributions, but I can't afford the contributions at the moment. Can I reduce my my contributions to a figure I can afford?

Ans. No --. please contact our customer services team through our contact form on our website; or by email; and they will advise you of the options available.


Queries about Specific Contributions

Ques. Can I add a member of my extended family and /or children for my extend family?

Ans. You can only do this if you a have true and honest proof that the person you want to add is an orphan who has no brother or sister or not married


How to start contributing

If you wish to contribute to MedFex Fund fund, to start contributing to MedFex Fund, (a) You need to be an employee of Africa4health Missions of any associated business or become a member of Africa4health Missions  or please write to;

Africa4health Missions,

MedFex Fund Department
86 Kingsway, Worksop,
Nottinghamshire, S81 0AG,
United Kingdom


Contact Us

86 Kingsway, Worksop, 


S81 0AG, United kingdom

Tele:  (+44) 7454983076


Contact us: Online Form

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