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Africa4health Missions

Nervous System Health

Fatigue and Asthenia

Fatigue is weakness of the body subsequent to excessive effort, which is not accompanied by the necessary recovery of the affected organs or systems.

Physical fatigue is usually preceded by a high muscular effort or a serious disease. Nervous tiredness may appear after a period of sustained high intellectual activity, or prolonged nervous tension.

Asthenia is the lack or loss of strength and energy which appears spontaneously, with no direct relation to any previous effort.

Depression, Nervousness

It is a psychological state of melancholy and deed sadness, with or without any evident cause, as well as a loss of appetite,m insomnia, and a propensity to inactivity.

We recommend those plants with an invigorating and balancing action on the nervous system, as well as those which add nutritive substances such as vitamins B or lectin, stimulant or excitant plants or substances must not be used in the treat of depression.

Nervousness and Anxiety

  • Nervousness is a state of nervous excitation, whether justified or not.

  • Anxiety is an undesirable and unjustified  emotion whose intensity is not in proportion to its likely cause. Anxiety is different than fear. The latter implies the presence of a known actual danger. Anxiety usually manifests itself externally, in a state of nervous hyperexcitation.

Medicinal herbs can be highly effective in combating nervousness and anxiety, sedating and balancing the nervous system.


The phytotherapeutic healing of stress consists of the combination of two kinds of plants, invigorating herbs which augment vital energy to confront daily stressful situations, and balancing or sedative plants in order to soften the organic response to certain stressful situations.

Besides the aforementioned plants, we recommend invigorating herbs such as winter savoury, peppermint, or rosemary, and balancing ones such as hawthorn.


Insomnia is chronic sleeplessness, either due to difficulties in falling a sleep or continuous awakening. Unlike most chemically synthesised narcotics,, the medicinal herbs we recommend are able to induce a natural, restorative sleep, with no residual somnolence the morning after, and no risk of addiction.

Psychosomatic Diseases.

The diseases of psychological origin, at least in part, but which manifest themselves as functional alterations in multiple organs, Some of the most frequent psychosomatic diseases are gastric ulcer, irritation of the colon, heart attacks, and certain skin eczemas.

These plants balance and modify the autonomic nervous system, which is the true pillar of the relationship between mind and body.

Aches and Neuralgia

These analgesic plants act either internally, when taken, or externally, when locally, when taken, or externally, when locally applied to the skin. Their action is not usually as quick and intense as that of chemically synthesised analgesics, or those made from pure substances. However, the effects of these plants are longer and generally lack most undesirable side effects.

Neuralgia is a special type of ache, who features are intensity, intermittence and localisation in the trajectory inches preventive action.


Headaches or cephalalgias have many sources. The most usual are:

  • Congestion, that is, excessive accumulation of blood in the head. Thus, revulsive plants such as mustard are used. These plants deviate blood to other areas.

  • Lack of blood in the head, thus the used of vasodilating plants is recommended. 

  • Bad digestion or gall bladder dysfunctions. Digestive and cholagogue plants are used.


An intense headache which usually affects half the head and appears periodically related to eye dysfunctions. During a migraine crisis there is a spasm of the arteries which feed blood to the head, hence antispasmodic plants are useful, in many cases, migraine crises are caused by digestive fermentation or certain foods.

Insufficient Intellectual Performance

Plants rich in essential fatty acids such as linoleic acid, pectin, B Vitamins, and minerals such as phosphorus, favour good intellectual performance. Also convenient, though not to be taken continuously are non-excitant invigorating plants such as ginseng or thyme, Students and all people with intense intellectual demands may benefit from their use.

Loss of Memory

Besides the two plants with vasodilating action on the cerebral arteries (improving blood circulation to the brain), all plants used to insufficient intellectual performance are also recommended.


Though these plants do not substitute the medicinal treatment for epilepsy, they may help to reduce the antiepileptic product dosage, and equilibrate the patient.

Organic Diseases of the Nervous System

The oil of the evening primrose is very rich in linoleic acid, an essential factor in the development and correct functioning of the of the neurons. Its use is a fine complement to the specific treatment of the organic disease of the nervous system, such as the Parkinson disease and the multiple sclerosis.

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