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Tonsillitis and Pharyngitis

Tonsillitis, or sore throat is the inflammation of tonsils, usually caused by an infection, either bacterial or viral. When this inflammation extends to the entire pharyngeal mucus membrane (throat), and not only to the tonsils, it is alled pharyngitis.

The phytotherapeutical treatment of both conditions is based on local applications, mainly gargles, with the plants mentioned here. Gargles can also be done with any of the plants which appear here.

Repetitive pharyngeal infections in children demand the administration of plants with antibiotic and defens-stimulating action, such as thyme, nasturtium, and echinacea.

Throat Irritation

This may be due to several causes, among them, infection (chronic pharyngitis), irritation (tobacco smoke, inhalation of chemical substances), atrophic ( weakness of the mucous cells that cover the throat), and even tumors. It appears through an itching and stinging throat, dry cough, difficulty when swallowing, and mucus.

All these plants have bechic action that is to say, they ease cough caused by itching or throat irritation. They are employed both internally and locally in gargles.


An inflammation of the mucous layer that covers the larynx, the organ where the voice is produced, It is a accompanied by an increase in mucus production in the throat.., coughing, aphonia or hoarseness, and in severe cases, breathing difficulty due to spasms of the vocal cords, which close the air passages.


This is the inflammation of the paranasal sinuses, small cavities in the facial bones that connect with the nostrils through small holes.

The interior of these cavities or sinuses is covered by a mucous layer, whose inflammation produce headaches and other discomfort, and is slowly to care.

Besides nasal irritations, compresses on the face are recommended, as well as inhalations of vapours or essences and the intake of plants with antibiotic action such as radish or nasturtum.


Loss of the voice. It is generally a consequence of inflammation or infection of the larynx or vocal chords (laryngitis), though it may also be caused by tumors, nervousness, and other reasons.

Hoarseness it the change in the tone of the voice, which becomes hoarse and emits less sound. It is usually caused by the same things that cause aphonia.

These plants, employed internally or in local applications, reduce the inflammation of the vocal chords, and contribute to the elimination of mucus, which frequently causes aphonia or hoarseness.

Nose, Bleeding (Epistaxis)

This is a nasal haemorrhage: In many cases it is caused by the breaking of a tiny vein in the nostril, thought it may also be related to high blood pressure. Medicinal herbs with hemostatic or astringent action are applied in nose plugging, prepared with a gauze, or in nasal irrigations. It is better to combine this local treatment with the intake of herbal teas made with some plants with hemostatic or capillary protecting action.


This is the inflammation of the mucous membrane which covers the interior of the nose. Astringent and antiseptic plants are employed for nose irrigations and washings, as well as antibiotic herbs such as nasturtium, and sneezing plants such as asrum.

Africa4health Missions

Throat, Nose and Ears Health

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