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Africa4health Missions

Human Body Health
Medicinal Plants used in Human body systems

Arteries Health

Health of the arteries depends mainly on the quality of the blood circulating through them. Among the hundreds of substances that blood carries, cholesterol is perhaps the most harmful for the arteries.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body.

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Blood Health

In some sense, all medicinal herbs we consume act on the blood, since their active components are finally carried by this fluid after being absorbed in the intestine. However, some plants act directly on the composition of the blood and on its ability to coagulate.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body.

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Digestive System health

Almost all medicinal herbs produce effects on the digestive system. Those we describe in this page act on all digestive organs, including the stomach, the intestine, the liver and the pancreas. These herbs promote digestion through two basic actions, 1. By activating the peristaltic movements or contractions, of the digestive tract. 2. By increasing the production of digestive juices in the stomach, the intestine and the pancreas.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body.

Eyes Health

Medicinal plants contribute to the proper functioning of the eyes through two mechanisms: Locally applied on the eyes, they have an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effect, which is useful for eye hygiene, and in the case of conjunctivitis afflictions of the anterior pole of the eye.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body.

Heart Health

Medicinal Herbs exert notable actions on the heart. Those plants which augment the strength of heart contractions (called cardiotonic plants), the foxglove being the most important, are especially appreciated. Besides strengthening the heart, medicinal herbs contribute in a decisive way to the prevention of severe heart dysfunctions, such as angina pectoris and heart attacks.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body.

Liver and the Gall Bladder Health

Medicinal herbs exert two types of action on the hepatobiliary system: Choleretic and Cholagogue. Bile production is one of the basic functions of the liver.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body.

Mouth health

The importance of oral health lies in two fundamental facts related to its anatomy and physiology.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body.

Nervous System Health

Medicinal herbs exert notable actions both on the central nervous system, on which our mental functions are based, and on the autonomic nervous system, which regulates and coordinates the activity of the diverse organs of the body.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body. 

Respiratory System Health

The Respiratory system is likely to be one of the human systems most sensitive to the action of medicinal herbs. many forms of phyto-therapeutic treatments exert a beneficial action on the respiratory organs.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body.

Stimulants Herbs

Some people may be surprised to see that plants with an excitant action on the nervous system, which are commonly regarded as drugs are included in a work on medicinal herbs.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body.

Throat, Nose and Ears Health

Ears, Nose and the throat make up an anatomic and physiological unit, because all these organs are interconnected, and the mucous layer that covers their interior spreads to each part with no transitional joint. Each ear communicates with the pharynx through a fine duct called the Eustachian tube.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body.

Veins Health

Veins carry blood to the heart, after having passed through capillaries and nourished and oxygenated tissues. The blood passes through the veins with almost no pressure, thus making the return of blood from the legs especially difficult, as it has to rise against the force of gravity.

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On the next page learn and study the Action and Usage of the medicinal plants, What are the warnings which, you have to be aware of in using this herbs in humans. How to Prepare, use and dosage of the herb when to be used in human body.

Caution: Plant Toxicity


Most herbs may be used without risks, there are some cases in which certain plants may produce undesirable effects. Pharmacologically speaking, we could say that certain plants present contraindications, that is, their use is not recommended in some situations.

However, we must point out that, unlike some medicines, contraindications in plant use are not definite. Not bearing them in mind does not usually provoke severe disorders. We will now mention some situations or diseases in which avoiding certain plants is preferable, or at least they should be used with caution:

  • Caution in Digestive dysfunctions

  • Caution in Heart Circulatory dysfunctions

  • Caution in Genital Urinary dysfunctions

  • Caution in Diverse Affections

  • Caution in Menstruation and Pregnancy

  • Caution With Children


The Rules to Follow in Event of poisoning

1.  Keep a sample of the plant

Keep samples of the plant or plants which may have caused the intoxication, for identification by an expert

2.  Induce vomiting

Many toxic plants usually produce vomiting on their own. However, if they do not, vomiting must be induced by:

  • Stimulating the throat with fingers, a spoon, or a feather soaked in oil.

  • Administering a spoonful of ipecac syrup. Vomiting must not be induced in the following cases.

  • When more than three or four hours have elapsed since ingestion.

  • When the patient is already vomiting

  • When the patient is sleepy or unconscious (the patient may choke)

3.  Carry out a gastric lavage

Stomach lavage or pumping must be done with help of a catheter introduced through the mouth or the nose. This must be done by a medical professional.

4.  Administer charcoal

5.  Administer other antidotes

6.  What to do in sever cases

7.  Hospital assistance

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