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Fruit Salad for Healing Breakfast

Beware of these 4 toxic fruit combinations


Harmful fruit combinations can take a toll on your digestive health

We should be aware that combining a few fruits can cause a harmful impact on our digestive system and on our health as well. Fruits are seen to be highly nutritious, and full of vitamins and minerals. However, fruits can be classified as acidic, high water content, sweet and neutral. Most of us have a habit of chopping all the available fruits and vegetables and mixing them in a bowl to enjoy the healthiest meal ever. However, while it is true that fruits are very healthy, mixing different types of fruits with vegetables and other fruits can cause digestive problems and some serious chronic problems.

Here are some fruits that you should not mix:


1. Never combine melons with any other fruits

It is recommended to avoid mixing watermelons, muskmelons, cantaloupe, and honeydrops with other fruits. “Melons should only be eaten with melons as they are digested more rapidly than other fruits. Melons have high water content, so they might not digest properly when combined with fruits,” said Dr Reddy.

2. Avoid mixing starchy fruits with high-protein fruits

Some fruits that are starchy in nature include green bananas and plantains. It is important to avoid mixing these fruits with high-protein fruits such as guava, dried apricot, kiwifruit, avocado, and blackberries. Combining the two can be dangerous as the body needs an acidic base to digest proteins and an alkaline base to break starches.

3. Avoid mixing acidic fruits with sweet fruits

Acidic and sub-acidic fruits such as grapefruits, strawberries, apples, pomegranates, and peaches, should never be combined with sweet fruits such as bananas and raisins. This is because it often leads to digestive problems, nausea, acidosis, and headaches.

4. Avoid mixing papaya and lemon

Have you heard of this combination? For a few of you, it may be delicious and for a few, it may be odd. But it’s better to avoid this combination. Anaemia or haemoglobin imbalance are just a few consequences of mixing these. Furthermore, according to Dr Reddy, it can be really dangerous for children, so try to avoid these fruits together as much as you can.


Avoid consuming fruits and veggies together

It’s not advisable to combine fruits and veggies, because the high sugar content of fruits can hinder the digestive process of vegetables. So, yes, eating oranges and carrots together may not be the best for your tummy!


Though fruits are a great source of potassium, vitamin C, folic acid, and other essential antioxidants that we need, combinations of the above fruits need to be avoided. Any fruits, if taken in excess, is also not good.

You can always check out the days that you had these combinations and if had any discomforts the following day.

Here are 5 reasons why FRUITS are better than fruits juice


Fruit juice or whole fruits – Have you ever tried to find out which one is better for your health? If not, here are all the answers.

Most of us consider freshly made juice to be the best for our health, and hence some people consume it every morning to kickstart their day. Though juice may appear healthy, it comes with some disadvantages, because of its high sugar content.

If you drink juice the right way, it can be beneficial. However, it is not meant to replace your daily intake of whole fruits.


Are fruit juices unhealthy?

Did you know? Juices are in the concentrated form and during this process, we tend to lose the most important nutrients. “It is not healthy even if it is freshly made. Juices are not a good option for those with diabetes, as they can cause abnormal blood sugar levels, due to the sugar content. Moreover, juices can lead to weight gain, owing to their high sugar content. And obesity and weight gain are linked to hypertension, diabetes, and heart problems. So, drinking juices may not be a good idea,” says Dr Patel.


5 reasons why eating fruits are better than consuming juice

1. They contain essential nutrients

Fruit juice is extracted from whole fruits. While making fruit juice, we remove the skin of the fruits. But the pulp and skin of many fruits are high in vitamins and other nutrients.

 “Extracting juice leaves behind many of these nutrients,” says Dr patel. For example; oranges contain flavonoids, but much of these are stored in the pulp and not the juice.

2. They contain dietary fiber

The major disadvantage of drinking juice is the lack of fibre. Juicing releases sugar in fruit and eliminates fibre. That’s why you should always consume fruits because they’re high in fibre. “The presence of dietary fibre and other nutrients in the fruit’s skin and pulp makes it a healthier option than juice. Thus, you will be able to ease your digestion process and get rid of constipation,” says Dr patel.

3. Fruit chewing is a good exercise

Everyone should chew their food before swallowing it. Chewing foods slowly and properly helps to promote teeth and oral health. Along with that, it helps with digestion, thanks to the absorption of nutrients. It also prevents overeating, which leads to weight gain. So, chew your food at least 24 times to gain all the benefits.

4. Manage hunger pangs

The best way to relieve your hunger pangs is eating fruits. Fruits when eaten during snack time can help to relieve your hunger pangs by regulating your appetite and hunger associated cravings. In turn, fruits provide enough but not excess calories to perform all the body activities with ease.

5. Help to stay full

Fruits make you feel fuller for longer and help avoid binge-eating on fast foods, which in turn, can help you manage your weight, diabetes, blood sugar. It also keeps the doctor away and hunger cravings at bay.

So, always go for fruits instead of fruit juice!

Snack at 10am

Seeds & Nuts Mix (my veggie bubba)

  • Peeled Almonds 1/2 cup

  • Cashews 1/4 cup

  • Pistachios 1/4 cup

  • Sunflower seeds 1/4 cup

  • Pumpkin seeds 1/4 cup

  • Hemp seeds 1/4 cup

  • Cardamom 2 pods

  • Saffron 3-4 strands

  • Turmeric powder 1/2 tsp

  • Nutmeg Powder 1/2tsp

  • Sesame seeds.


  • Greens

  • Vegetables

  • Healthy Fats

  • Protein

  • Herbs

  • Complex Carbohydrates

  • Salad Dressing

Alkebulan Diet 
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