3C1AD12B8B68C116E81C30A29FF67700 Health Benefits Of Bitter Leaf (Vernonia Amygdalina)
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Health Benefits Of Bitter Leaf (Vernonia Amygdalina)

Some of the health benefits of Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina);

  • Vitamins in Bitter leaf includes;Vitamin A, Vitamin C ,Vitamin E, Vit.B1 and Vit.B2.

  • It speeds up metabolism and therefore is great for weight loss.

  • Bitter leaf juice relieves fever and feverish conditions. Take the squeezed juice, 3 times daily until the symptoms disappears.

  • It also helps to reduce high sugar level in the blood, and great for diabetic patients.

  • Squeeze the fresh leaves on your palm and apply the juice on skin rashes,eczema, ring worms and any superficial skin ailments, you’ll notice a change in few days. Don’t apply to open wounds.

  • Taking a cup of bitter leaf juice a day, is a great way to detoxify the body of harmful toxins.

  • Bitter leaf juice nourishes the skin.

  • Bitter leaf (Vernonia amygdalina) also cures mild stomach ailments

  • Bitter leaf juice is said to increase breast milk production in nursing mothers.

  • The washed roots and stalks of bitterleaf are boiled and the infusion is taking as a worm expeller. A cup of bitter leaf infusion taking first thing in the morning before meals.

Bitter leaf juice on its own, is quite bitter and this taste might be a turn off for a lot of people.

So to reduce the bitterness of the bitter leaf juice, simply blend it with spinach or Ugwu (fluted pumpkin). If you still find it extremely bitter, then add some sweet fruit juices to it, such as pineapple , apples or oranges.

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